Thursday, June 21, 2012

Quinn understands numbers and space.

I remember when he was just a baby living in Santa Cruz that he would sometimes get agitated in the stroller or car. We figured out after a while that he would get upset whenever we deviated from the typical route. Even back then he knew what direction we should be going and would become distressed if we veered from that path.

Then, after he began to walk, we started a little experiment. We would set him down in different parts of downtown Santa Cruz and say, "Ok Quinn - find bookshop Santa Cruz!" And sure enough, he'd survey his surroundings, turn in the correct direction, and walk toward the bookstore. Even if it was several blocks away.

So saying he understands numbers and space is not a parental brag. It's a true fact about him - as true as the fact that he has curly hair or that he has blue eyes.

Nevertheless, I was somewhat taken aback by this exchange that took place a few days ago:

Quinn and I were driving in the car and he noted the time on the internal car clock (1:44). I said, oh yes but the clock in this car is fast so that's not the correct time. Just then we drove by a large digital clock which said 1:22. So I said, "Quinn the clock in our car is 22 minutes fast."

Fast forward a bit. We run some errands and get back in the car where the clock now says 3:06pm. Quinn says, "Oh it says 3:06. That means it's 2:44!"

Seriously. He figured it out in his head in one second.

So yes, it was an exciting moment. But really, the most important question is - how soon until he can do our taxes?


  1. wow, one smart cookie - it would take me more than a second to do that mental math

  2. OMG! It freaks me out to see Quinn as a baby without any hair!
