Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

Time for a new list of "favorites" the kids. Some of the favorites were told to me by the kids themselves, and some were determined by me.

Favorite Sesame Street character (as told by them)
Zahra: Big Bird
Penelope: Elmo
Quinn: Cookie Monster

Favorite book (as determined by me)
Both girls: Hippos go berserk
Quinn: Whatever book he gets from the school library that week. He's very proud of his library trips. On his valentine to his teacher, he wrote, "Dear Miss Jill. Thank you for taking me to the library"

Favorite food:
I asked them and they all said cornbread, but they were also eating cornbread at the time, so it's hard to say if that's an accurate assessment...

Favorite activity (as determined by me)
Penelope: blocks and dress-up
Zahra: blocks and drawing
Quinn: sorting his school valentines and playing memory

Favorite Yo Gabba Gabba character (as told by the kids - their favorites have changed recently!
Penelope: Brobee
Quinn: Muno
Zahra: Plex

Favorite color (as told by them)
Quinn: Orange (second favorites are pink and purple)
Penelope: red (second favorite is pink)
Zahra: Yellow. no second favorite

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