Wednesday, February 27, 2013

100 days of Kindergarten!

Quinn and his class recently celebrated 100 days of Kindergarten. Can you believe it?

To celebrate, all 6 KG classes apparently did a parade around the school, for which Quinn's teacher helped them make their hat and flags. The necklaces were actually provided by my mom.

That same week I accompanied Quinn to his first school dance. Now, I was thinking "Elementary school dance. No big deal, right?"
That dance was crazy, and way better than most high school dances I ever had. There was a DJ, and Emcee, and lots of glowsticks

The above picture is of Quinn and his friends dancing, although it's hard to tell.

Plus, lots of food in the cafeteria. Here's Quinn and his buddies chowing down.

Recently, Quinn had to do a homework assignment where he had to write sentences paired with sight words. Here are some of the sentences he wrote, with sight words in all CAPS.
I WANT cake
I LIKE cake
I want cake, TOO
I want cake, I SAID

Notice a theme?

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