Sunday, January 12, 2014

Holiday travels - SoCal

I'll be writing two blog posts about our wonderful holiday travels. First up, are our travels to Southern California. We started and ended our trip there.

Prior to leaving, the girls got some good practice sleeping on their portable cots that we used for the whole trip. They loved their cots, and slept in them everywhere we went for the whole trip.

We flew out out with the girls (Quinn and my parents went out a week earlier) and they were fantastic on the plane! We couldn't believe how easy flying with them was this year.

They really enjoyed our first night's stay in our favorite hotel - the deceptively titled "Royal Palace Westwood"

Part of the fun of staying in Westwood our first night is that we get to see Polly, Carl and cousin charles! Charles LOVED Zahra :)

We were lucky enough to see them again in Norcal, as well. The girls adore Charles. Quinn is still a bit dubious of any baby/toddler.

While in Hemet we spent a lot of time just soaking up the sun. These pictures pretty much sun up our time there.

We also helped Kara with a burningman-themed film shoot while in Hemet. The day we filmed was a picture-perfect day in the California dessert.

We also got to see some dear friends while in town.

Including cousin Luna!

Of course, Anna took some SoCal pictures that are WAY better than mine. See a sampling below.
At some point this blog may just become a re-posting of Anna's photos.

Finally, we got to spend a great day in Palm Springs
And it was warm enough in Hemet for Quinn to play is geography board game in his underwear!

Southern California was warm and wonderful. Did I mention warm? We had an equally amazing time in NorCal - that post is coming later this week.

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