Thursday, December 5, 2013

Field trip!

I was lucky enough to take a few hours of work the day before Thanksgiving and accompany Quinn and his class on his field trip to the Children's Museum! They even let me on the school bus.

I think the day before Thanksgiving was an easy one for parents to take off, because there were a lot of us there. As a result, I only ended up chaperoning Quinn and his buddy Satoshi, which was a blast but also exhausting. I'm so glad I only ended up having to watch two!

After lots of wild running around, the kids attended an hour long class by museum staff on "Our Community" - this is also a topic they've been studying in school.

They talked about the services in the community (police, etc.). modes of transportation, where people live, etc. It was funny when the instructor asked where people shopped for groceries and all the kids yelled out "Target!". You can tell we live in the Twin Cities (home of Target HQ)

Afterwards, the kids got to work on constructing their own city with all the components. It was a fun activity.

Quinn's school is a big, diverse school right in the middle of the city. I love that this is really celebrated within the school curriculum, and this activity is a great example.

The next field trip is a day-long outdoor celebration of winter phenology. I will be skipping that one :)

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